Project Summary:

The purpose of this project is to gain a theoretical knowledge about FPGA, VGA and do some research on how to use ALTERA DE 2 BOARD also do some research on how to write a coding using Verilog HDL and researcher will expected to display an image in the VGA through ALTERA DE2 board.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Final Year Project: Week 7

1) DE2 board using the 7- segments Display
  • The DE2 Board has eight 7-segment displays. These displays are arranged into two pairs and a group of four, with the intent of displaying numbers of various sizes. As indicated in the schematic in Figure A, the seven segments are connected to pins on the Cyclone II FPGA. Applying a low logic level to a segment causes it to light up, and applying a high logic level turns it off. Each segment in a display is identified by an index from 0 to 6, with the positions given in Figure B. Note that the dot in each display is unconnected and cannot be used. Table C shows the assignments of FPGA pins to the 7-segment displays. 

Figure A:Schematic diagram of the 7-segment display

Figure B:Position and index of each segment in a 7-segment display

Figure C:Pin assignments for the 7-segment displays

2) Test DE2 board using the 7- segments Display
  • Created and testing the BCD to 7- segments decoder using 7-segment displays as output.Verilog HDL coding and pin assignment for BCD to 7- segments decoder shown as below:

Verilog HDL coding for BCD to 7- segments decoder

RTL viewer

Pin Assignments
Output at DE2 Board

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